About Us


Taking Speech and Language Therapy to the Next Level

Our mission and vision is to contribute to human race by empowering kids and adults population suffering from neurological communication psychological motor physical and sensorial conditions like AUTISM ADHD CEREBAL PALSY AND OTHERS to maximum by evidence based intervention programs and approaches thus mainstreaming them to live life with dignity and respect.

The Role of Your belief Child Psychologist
Autism Integrated Therapy
Speech Therapy
Special Education
Behavior Therapy
Sensory Integration Therapy
Parental Training Programs

Our vision is to empower human race across globe to live life they desire despite ailments and conditions. We will serve hope by empowering millions of kids and adults across globe suffering from different psychological sensorial communication neurological conditions to live life upto maximum to bring joy within families, societies.we will bring health, educational, rehabilitative care to next level by usage of technology , research , thus will contribute meaningfully towards betterment of humanity
Our mission is to bring measurable change in society to improve everyone's comfort , well being, inclusion by providing convenient , standardized rehabilitation, educational, psychological and medical services.the aim of our mission lies in helping kids and adult population suffering from different psychological sensorial communication neurological conditions to live fulliest, stress free. We aim to create safe barrier free environment for all deprived section of population by emphasizing mainstreaming, inclusion,equity and equility.we are committed to being confidential sympathetic, empathetic and approachable in our ways of delivery. HEALING THE UNSEEN
Live well rehabilitation Network is privileged to announce that we are ready to serve our society in all up's and down's of life.

Your time and trust is our resource, let us shape and architect it together.

Our soul purpose of existance is to empower our society and make it a better place to live.

Trustees and volunteers choose us because we dare to  choose marginalised section of our society and give them a better chance to live life independently.

We provide our services to not only streamline the underprivileged people of all ages and walks of our society but also ensure the effective and employable Strategies and way outs  in our capacity under the Shadow of intellectual, enthusiastic and visionary entities of our organization upholding the dream of peaceful world.

We are making humble efforts in our limited capacity to deliver services to the most destitute people hit hardest either by the pandemic or other unfortunate circumstances to uphold the true spirit of caring, sharing and equity.

Services destined to be served are:

Rehabilitation of Specially abled children: We are ready to serve our children with special needs in areas of Speech therapy, occupational therapy, Behaviour modification and special education to ensure all round development.

Reducing the rate of poverty: We constitute our plans on your generous ways of donation, your dreams to see everyone living a worthy life and our desire and dedication to make it possible in letter and spirit irrespective of man-made differences.


  • No children with Autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders is leftout of rehabilitation.
  • No one will go to bed empty stomach.
  • No one will die of hunger.
  • No one will die due to unavailability of medicine.
  • No one will face malnutrition.

Join us in achieving this milestone.

Education For All: Happy and Healthy Society is constructed by empowering  our underprivileged children with wide variety of educational opportunities and skill development to ensure that they become the productive members of our society apart from earning a dignified livelihood.

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children’s teach us what life is all about. Because, It is not a Race, It is a Journey, let’s walk together!


Occupational Therapy

Behaviour Therapy

Social Skills

Autism Therapy

Speech Therapy

Music Therapy

Special Education

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