Autism spectrum Disorder ( ASD) is a neurodevelopment condition. It affects a person’s behaviour and makes communication and social relations difficult. ASD can range from mild to severe. The type of symptoms a person has and how severe they’re varies. Some children may not be suitable to serve without a lot of help from parents and other caregivers. Others may develop social and verbal barriers and lead independent lives as adults. Most people with ASD will always have some trouble communicating or interacting with others. But early intervention and treatment have helped more and more people who have ASD lead quality life and therefore Mainstreaming them. ASD now includes conditions that used to be diagnosed independently. These include Asperger’s Syndrome, pervasive development disorders, and non-age disintegrative disorders. Any of these terms might still be used by you or your doctor to describe your condition.

What causes ASD?

The exact cause of ASD isn’t known. False claims in the news have made some parents concerned about a link between ASD and vaccines. But studies have set up no link between vaccines and ASD. It’s important to make sure that your child gets all vaccines. They help keep your child from getting serious conditions that can bring serious repercussions days down the line.

What increases the risk of ASD?

ASD tends to run in families, so experts suppose it may be genetic material that you inherit. Scientists are trying to find out exactly which genes may be responsible for passing down ASD in families. ASD tends to do more frequently in people who have certain inheritable conditions. These may include fragile X syndrome and tuberous sclerosis. Some effects increase the chance that you will have a baby with ASD. These effects are called Risk factors. Vaccines aren’t associated with autism as revealed in substantiation[1] grounded meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies. The possible risk of having a baby with ASD is more if either birth at an aged age, Has another child who has ASD, or Has a family history of Learning Disability.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms generally are noticed by the time a child is 2 years old. But if symptoms are severe, a parent may notice them as beforehand as when a child is 12 months old. In utmost cases, parents first notice that their toddler has not started talking yet and isn’t acting like other children the same

age. occasionally a child with ASD may start to talk at the same time as others of the same age. But also they may stop gaining new skills or lose their social and language skills. Symptoms of ASD Include: detention in communication, or not talking at all. Or a child may not use or respond to gestures or pointing. The low span of attention, concentration, and not the age-appropriate level of understanding, Problem in name call response. A child may feel to be deaf, indeed hearing tests are normal. Repeated and overused types of interests, and play. For example; repeated Body shaking, unusual attachments to objects, and getting worried when routines change. Behavior and symptoms can range from mild to severe. Parents frequently say that their child with ASD prefers to play alone and does not make eye contact with other people. People with ASD may also have other problems, similar as speech and language issues, sleep problems, and seizures

How is ASD diagnosed?

There’s no single test to diagnose ASD. Diagnosing ASD involves a combination of screening questions, assessments, and evaluation of the way a child behaves and interacts with others. As a parent, you know your child’s behaviour and are they desirable and advocate. However, share your compliances with your doctor, If you’re concerned. Your input could help your child get the help they need. Screening questions are generally asked at the 18- month and 24- month well-child visits. But they may be asked sooner if you’re concerned that your child may have signs of ASD. The questions cover how your child addresses, moves, and interacts with others. The answers help your doctor to understand how your child is developing and if there are signs of a problem that might be related to ASD. However, he or she may relate you to a specialist, similar to an experimental pediatrician, occupational therapist, psychologist, and speech-language pathologist. If your doctor thinks your child may have ASD. A specialist will ask about your child’s health history and do a physical test. A specialist will also Ask about your child’s behaviour with others. Observe how your child interacts with others and behaves during play or while doing specific tasks. This can help you know if your child has ASD or if he or she has a different problem, similar to a language Disorder or ASD and another condition. Testing also helps identify how severe the symptoms are and what your child’s strengths and weaknesses are. All of this can help your doctor to decide the way to treat your child and help them in leading a better and quality life ahead.

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