Special Education

Special Education

Our special Education Plans provide Learning goals and objectives that are selected for each Child based on assessment results and input from parents.

Teaching methods and instruction materials selected and/or adapted for each Child and setting(s) where instruction will occur determined relative to opportunities for kids to learn and use targeted skills.

Our Unique and customized teaching procedures (e.g., constant time delay, token reinforcement, self-monitoring and assistive Tools).

Incorporates variety of instructional materials and supports both natural and contrived to help children acquire and use targeted learning objectives. Instruction presented with attention to detail, precision, structure, clarity, and repeated practice.

We make efforts to provide with naturalistic opportunities and Goal-directed for children to use targeted knowledge and skill.

We provide Purposeful instruction intended to help individual child to achieve the greatest possible personal self-sufficiency and success in present and future environments. We value/goodness of instruction determined by children attainment of outcomes.

Our Instructional programs and teaching procedures selected on kids performance of research support, careful, ongoing monitoring of progress. frequent and direct measures/assessment of kids learning that inform modifications in instruction.


Autism Integrated Therapy

We are delivering best quality services for various age groups of autism children. There is no reason for autism but true love and dedication can definitely help them to be Normal.

Occupational Therapy

Behaviour Therapy

Social Skills

Autism Therapy

Speech Therapy

Music Therapy

Special Education

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